
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thursday 13, More Random Thoughts Edition

1. I was originally going to do my 13 favorite catbloggers, but I decided it would be too much work. Instead, I urge everyone to immediate vote for Jo!

2. One is Laurence Simon.

3. Another is Kukka Maria.

4. Another is the Mind of Mog.

5. I finally wrote a summary post for my World of Good (WOG) series. I post these every Wednesday and at the end of each I would include links to all the previous ones. The posts were getting to be more links than text and pictures and I really wanted to give a summary for WOG newbies.

6. The more WOGs I do, the more I think that cooperation and kindness really do make the world go around.

7. This post helps prove my point. Business, when done right, is all about making sure everyone gets the best deal they can.

8. I had a conversation with a colleague yesterday about a company where he used to work. The CEO was a paranoiac and pitted his subordinates against each other, withholding information from each so that he retained power. That company went out of business.

9. I can’t imagine working for that guy was any fun.

10. Happy Julie posts some funny stuff.

11. I also like this one from Eric Scheske.

12. I can’t remember the last time I watched a sitcom from beginning to end.

13. Next time I really need to get a theme, don’t you think?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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  1. Oh, no. More blogs to browse.

    Oh, well, sleep is overrated, anyway. :)

  2. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I dunno. I think themes are overrated sometimes...

  3. I like Cats...thanks for the heads up. I'll check it out.

  4. Random is good; sometimes there are things you want to share that don't warrant a post of their own. This is the perfect way to get them out there.

    Happy TT!

  5. Anonymous10:14 AM

    hmmmm.... and people say my lists are eclectic!

  6. Thanks for visiting my TT. The world needs more happiness.

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    # 8 sounds very much like one of my old Bosses. I swear she derived pleasure if she could make one of us cry each day.

  8. Random lists are good. I'm into surrealism.

  9. This is a first...A cat finally wrote to me!! WOW!! I have two cats here at my house that might like to meet you..They are Simon and Lucy...nice having you come to my flip flop floozie site.....

  10. Anonymous12:50 PM

    Thank you for sharing the other blogs. I liked Kukka Maria.

    Thank you for stopping by my TT.

  11. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Great, you enjoy catbloggers. I have 3 cats, but have yet to 'really' blog about them.

    Thnx for visiting my TT :=)

  12. I'm pretty sure I blush everytime you give me a shout-out. That vulnerability does not put me at risk of losing my position as Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Ocean Whitefish, does it?

    I mean, I can always work on the blushing...

  13. I voted for Jo, though I'm not sure what my vote did. Does it get Jo adopted? :)

  14. Anonymous3:01 PM

    I can't remember last time I watched a sitcom from the beginning till end, so, don't feel bad!
    My TT is up!

  15. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Cool! I'll have to check some of these blogs out! I love kitties!

    Thanks for stopping by my 13...sorry I'm late getting here!

  16. Feline Empress and Mother Superior, you don't need to work on a thing.

    You knew that, didn't you? :-)

    Carmen, I'm not sure what voting for Jo does. All I know is that she visits The Scratching Post twice a day. You should, too!

    Thanks for all the comments!
