
Sunday, June 18, 2006

This Week in the Theocracy

Preliminary Catwa: Please send Niall some words of encouragement. He is going through some very trying times right now and a little kindness might ease his heart.

Hail and well met fellow truth-seekers on the information superhighway of enlightenment! Rest your tired psyches for a time and celebrate the wisdom and wit of the Feline Theocracy. It's time for me, Jacob the Syrian Hamster, loyal beadle of the Theocracy, to lead you through another selection of our favorite posts of the week from all of the theocraticians.

As an aside, I spent quite a bit of time trying to find the old theme song to "This Week in Baseball", but was unable to do so. I found people claiming they had a CD with it and I found the name and composer, but I did not find the file. Thank you, MLB. I'm glad you're protecting that song from malicious downloads while you allow a radioactive, DNA-spliced, drug fiend like Barry Bonds to break all of the game's most cherished records.

I can't wait for the NFL season to start.

Ahem. On to the posts, this time in no particular order.

Our Holy Ambassador to the Court of the Mainstream Media, Peggy Noonan talks about the real problem the Democrats have in enunciating a platform. They've succeeded. Here's my favorite part of her post.

One can argue about why the Democratic Party no longer seems to have a reason for being. I believe the reason is this: They have achieved what they set out to achieve in 1932, when the modern Democratic Party began. They got what they asked for, achieved what they fought for. They got a big government that offers a wide array of benefits and assistance; they got a powerful federal establishment that collects and dispenses treasure, that assumes societal guidance.
Our Kight-Protector and Defender of Yarn Balls has a great joke posted specially for the Theocracy.

Heidi, resting comfortably on our Protected List, posts a book recommendation and a touching anecdote.

Happy Julie, Holy Scholar, goes all Jack Kerouac on us.

Holy Scholar Georgette will bring tears to your eyes on this Father's Day.

The Archibishop of Texas, Laurence Simon, has a YouTube movie of Nardo dealing with one of life's most difficult questions.

Feline Empress and Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Ocean Whitefish shows the "profressional" wrestlers at WWE how it's done.

Abbess of the Priory of Small Princess shares a trauma with all of us.

Ogre, our Monsignor of the Breweries, has one of the coolest optical tricks I've ever seen. You have got to try this one.

Holy Scholar Mark Shea weighs in with an absolutely amazing video.

I'm starting to lose track of who I've done and who I haven't. We'll go down the list from here on in.

The Grand Almoner of England, mirroring a personal journey of my own, has some wisdom for everyone in their careers.

Sister Jane of Perpetual Purring reviews Ann Coulter's new book, Godless. As an aside, I really don't understand the controversy at all. The Jersey Girls jumped into the political ring, itching for a fight. Ann punched their lights out. What's the problem?

Our Official Artist, Justin, has a post worthy of the World of Good. You always knew he was a great guy, didn't you?

Tossed about on a sea of troubles? The Anchoress has a post for you.

Holy Scholar Eric Scheske has some funny stuff here.

Finally, our Court Jester posts a conundrum for science.

Thanks to all members of the Feline Theocracy for sharing your talents and interests with us for another week. My life is richer because of it.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Thanks for linking to my very sparse and sporatic posts, K T! I am still on vacation and in fact tomorrow morning we are off to the blogging will be even lighter! Bless your dear kitty heart! ;)
