
Saturday, June 24, 2006

Bravo, Wells Fargo!

In the middle of the firestorm over AOL's horrific practice of bullying customers into staying, I'd like to post a contrast.

Yesterday I called Wells Fargo Bank to get some help linking my new checking account to Quicken. I got to a customer service rep right away. She walked me through the process pleasantly and completely. Then she helped me review my account and cancelled a $3 monthly payment I had been making for a service I wasn't using any more.

When I told her how I had been charged a $40 fee for overusing my savings account due to the fact that my ATM card hadn't been linked to my checking account and I had unwittingly been making purchases out of savings, she refunded my $40.

Wells Fargo rocks.

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1 comment:

  1. Great to hear about your experience at our bank. We're trying!
