
Sunday, May 07, 2006

This Week in the Theocracy

Hi, everyone! It's me, Jacob the Syrian Hamster, loyal beadle of the Feline Theocracy here with another edition of This Week in the Theocracy.

We've worked hard all week on our new template and we hope you like it. Please let us know. One of the advantages of the new template is that we've now listed all the members of the Theocracy in a group on the right hand side bar.

Without further ado, here's our favorite posts of the week from the members of the Theocracy.

Feline Empress and Mother Superior of the Holy Order of Ocea Whitefish, Kukka-Maria, has a post by her blog-mate, Brach, that is a great rundown of the birds at her bird feeder. I loved the last photo in particular. Our human said it reminded him of when he lived in Virginia.

Our Knight-Protector and Defender of Yarn Balls, Lawman, has a typically insightful take on the latest developments at Duke.

Carl Morgan, Internet Marketing Novice and Grand Almoner of England, has a book review and a new blog.

RomeoCat, the Abbess of the Priory of Small Princesses, gives a cool video with some amazing urban gymnastics.

Sister Jane of Perpetual Purring has a post near and dear to this beach bum hamster's heart. If you haven't heard about the Mt. Soledad cross yet, read about it here.

Ogre, the Monsignor of the Breweries, has a story I had not heard until he posted it. Wow.

Peggy Noonan, our Most Holy Ambassador to the Court of the Mainstream Media, has a column on the Moussaoui trial.

Our Court Artist, Justin, presents us with a conundrum.

Heidi, whose name has been placed on the Protected List, has an excellent post on the immigration debate.

And now for the WOG Squad. First, let me thank Georgette of The Chronicles of a Meandering Traveller for her suggestion of the name WOG Squad. I love it! I just realized it works even better because we really have a Julie and we have lots of Links! :-)

Actually his name on the show was Linc, but what the heck.

The Anchoress has been under the weather lately and hasn't posted a WOG link in quite a while, poor thing. Send her some get well wishes when you get a chance.

Mark Shea, Holy Scholar, has a link post with a great title.

The aforementioned Georgette, another Holy Scholar, whups up on that anti-Catholic piece of trash, The Da Vinci Code.

Eric Scheske, Holy Scholar, has a post about the mind-boggling decision by the Mexican government to legalize drugs. Build the fence now!

Finally, Happy Julie, the Happy Catholic and Happy Holy Scholar, gives us a review of the excellent movie, Monsoon Wedding.

That's it for this week. We're looking forward to another great week of blogging in the Theocracy.

All the best,
Jacob the Syrian Hamster

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