
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Let's Educate Sony

Maximum Leader K T Cat of the Feline Theocracy meows in agreement with our Holy Scholar Georgette of The Chronicles of a Meandering Traveller. Let's help Sony see that honor pays better than insults.

I can understand the frantic need to find a winner in today's movie environment where money is being lost hand over fist and the quality of movies is declining. Robert Brown's Da Vinci Code seems like a slam dunk. With financial wolves at the door, the temptation to make it into a movie was going to be too great for one of the studios. If you're making a movie from Starsky and Hutch, you'll do anything.

Presenting the movie as fact is an insult to Christianity and, for that matter, your brain. There have been such insults before and there will be again. The difference here is that this fictional movie is being packaged as researched fact to a credulous audience. Why? I guess they figured they'd make more money if they got a "serious" discussion going in the media. Bad press is better than no press?

In any case, a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie wasn't too much to ask. Sony has refused to do this. Well, I can live a long time without Sony products. I bet we all can.

You can find the education plan details here. I've never written letters or participated in a campaign like this before, but joining this was easy.

Thanks, Georgette.

Holy Scholar Happy Julie suggests the Othercott. I'm good with either.

Georgette has posted about the Othercott as well.

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  1. Anonymous6:24 AM

    This is great, K T Cat! Yes, we shall do it civilly and legally, as Christ would want and as Cardinal Arinze has asked!

    With God's help and grace, we'll help Sony see the light so this does not become a trend!

  2. Yup..nowadays no one gives a lick if the films remote match the historical realities...ack!
