
Thursday, April 20, 2006

Thursday 13, New Skills Edition

Welcome to another Thursday 13 at The Scratching Post. This week, I'm listing 13 things I'd like to learn.

1. Spanish. I live in San Diego. 'nuff said.

2. Scuba Diving. I love snorkeling in tropical waters. Scuba diving would be even better. I've wanted to do this ever since I was a wee lad.

3. Carpentry. I can fix anything in the house and make some very basic things like shelves, but that's where my skills end.

4. Drawing. Whenever I go on travel I have plans to do some sketching and practicing, but I never do it.

5. Java programming. I'd like to add some live elements to my blog.

6. Drywall repair. OK, so I can fix almost anything in my house. My drywall seams always stand out. Large hole repair is out of the question.

7. Metalworking. Ugh. Me weld. Me have large fire in hand! (Insert Tim Allen grunting noises here.)

8. Gemcutting and rock sculpting. A very good friend of mine turned me on to rockhounding. I found a place around Ocotillo where the quartz is just laying around. I collected some pieces and he showed me how to use the rock saw and polishers. Cool! I need to post some photos of that. Now I'd like to do more with it. Another friend was in the shop at the same time polishing a geode. Way cool!

9. Get my MBA. I've wanted to do this for a long time, but I can never see how I can swing it. There's just not enough time left to go to school after taking care of my kids and working. It's just not realistic. I might try one class at a time and see how it works this coming year.

10. Indian cooking. I love Southern and Cajun cooking, but Indian food is something I've always wanted to do. I've got a cookbook, I just need to do it.

11. Write Poetry. This is one for retirement, clearly.

12. Sculpture. Dittos.

13. Blog. Wait a minute. I do this one! I can cross one off the list! YAY! :-)

Other Thursday 13 Sites

Barbara doesn't have to visit or leave a comment. Her Thursday 13 is simply incredible. Go see it now.

Ardice checks in with hers.

Dawn tells us about where she wants to go out.

Ivory Frog has a list that reminds me of times when my kids were younger. What fun!

Karen posts her list of things to do. Get cracking, Karen!

Feathers has a list. Feathers. Hmmm. And I am a cat. Hmmm.

Suzy teaches us all about crayons!

Fragile Musings lists some movies that changed her life.

Pink Chihuahua is a wonderful person, but her Thursday Thirteen is a feline house of horrors! :-)

Absolutely Average is above average when ELO shows up on the Thursday 13.

Ahh, for the old days. Back when we were kids. Lauren gives us a list of what was different.

TNChick has her list up, too.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


  1. Anonymous7:45 AM

    I'd love to learn Spanish and Carpentry. I hope you accomplish all on your list.

    Thanks for stopping by my TT. Have a good one. Be Well...

  2. What a great list!
    You are going be very busy trying to learn all that. :-)

    Thanks for visiting my list!
    Happy Thursday
    Ivoryfrog x

  3. Anonymous8:21 AM

    good luck with all that! thanks for visiting.

  4. I took 4 years of Spanish in high school but never used it then. Now I have to relearn most of it again LOL :)

  5. Ugg. I need to learn Spanish too! But I live in NYC!

  6. Steve Harris was short as were the 2 guitar players :) Great 13!


  7. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I tried to learn spanish in hs, didn't go so well.

    Happy TT! Thanks for stopping by.

  8. I'd love to learn to cook Indian food as well. My husband and daughter don't really like it, but I love it.

    Thanks for stopping by my list. Happy Thursday!

  9. Anonymous11:18 AM

    I already do Scuba Diving & Indian Cookery so there's a few from your list LOL. Thank you for visiting my T13

  10. About the MBA, do one of those study at home programs. My dad did that for something... I forget what though, and I'm considering doing that for my criminal justice degree instead of going back to a regular college for the simple fact that I just straight up never enjoied school that much.

  11. I lived in San Diego for about 5 years.

    I'd love to have some awesome drawing skills, too.

    My 13 is posted today.

  12. Great list - Sounds like you are a lifetine learner. I'm glad you liked my list, I just love those falcons.
