
Thursday, April 20, 2006

The Malkinization of the Blogosphere

Update 2 - We keep getting tons of hits on this piece and it makes us sick. My suggestion to readers is to visit our latest World of Good post, get inspired, dedicate yourself to being kind to others and tell Patriot Boy and Michelle Malkin to just shove it. Go see what loving, caring people are doing in this world and then compare that to an egomaniac who publishes strangers' contact information and a hate-filled clod who photoshops KKK hoods onto people and finds humor in genocide. Oh yeah, they've got your best interests at heart. Not.

Update - Patriot Boy readers, please try this link first, then come back and read this post.


I am very disappointed with Michelle Malkin. I used to like her site. Not any more. Here's the scoop.

Military recruiters went to UC Santa Cruz to do some recruiting.

A group of students got together to throw them off campus through protests and vandalism.

Michelle posted about this, complete with photos, links and commentary. All well and good. Then she went and published the names, phone numbers and emails of the student organizers on her blog.

The lefties went bananas and published her information on their blogs. They did some gumshoe work and published her family's information as well.

Blogs formed into alliances. Comments and emails flew. Screaming and threats and racial epithets followed. Everyone defended their side's bloggers and protesters. Michelle batted her eyes and and acted innocently wronged, publishing some of the more vile emails she had received. Then she acted tough, telling everyone she wouldn't be cowed by the threats.

The right side of the blogosphere went wild. Hurrah for Michelle! She won't bow to those moonbats! We'll defend you to the death, milady!

Not here.

I read those original posts from Michelle. Posting the contact information accomplished nothing in furthering her arguments. You could have left it out and her prose would have actually been better. What information can you draw from the names of a couple of UCSC students you've never met? Just what would you do with their phone numbers and email addresses? Ask them for a recipe?

The only reason I can think for publishing the contact information was to intimidate the students and anyone else that might consider doing the same in the future. Malkin gets over 100,000 visits a day, mostly from right wingers. What would you expect to happen to these students given that?

Now instead of the recruiters, the whole discussion is about...Michelle Malkin. I can think of three ways this happened, none of them complimentary of Malkin.

1. Things escalated out of hand in a way she didn't anticipate. She never expected her family's information to get published in retaliation. That's not the smartest thing in the world. Once you escalate things and make them personal, what else can you expect? With 100,000 visitors did you expect none of them to be from the left who would then rally the moonbats?

2. She did it on purpose. As long as people are talking about her, who cares how it started? "Enough of me talking about me. What do you think of me?"

3. She sees herself as a martyr in some great cause. She's willing to be stalked or worse for the cause of...recruiters at UCSC?!?

Whatever the reason, she'll get no more mentions at The Scratching Post. That kind of hostility and antagonism we can do without.

I'd like to coin a new phrase. Instead of Balkanization, let's call it Malkinization. Big Brother isn't the Department of Homeland Security. Big Brother is each other.


Here's a story that deserves more attention than all the raving moonbats and wingnuts combined. Ignore the political hate and find the good in people. It's out there everywhere you look.


  1. Wow... someone agrees with me... lol

  2. Ooooh, Mole, you were this close to getting your comment complete without a disagreement from me!

    If she wants to be The Minority Woman Who Believes Minorities and Women Suck

    That one just doesn't work. This is 2006 America. Get over the women and minorities garbage. It's not 1956 any more. We don't need to be classified, grouped, labeled and then coddled or punished. We're just people, mole.

    Other than that, right on, dude!

  3. k t cat,
    thanks for the inspiration for kellydog.blogspot." Its thoughtful essys like this one that keep this leftest coming back for more.

    I agree that the key issue is that her act was one of intimidation. Besides, it was Santa Cruz. I'd have been astonish if the students hadn't done something disruptive. They have a reputation to live down to.


  4. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Get over the women and minorities garbage. It's not 1956 any more.

    You're white, aren't you?

  5. "It is better to be quiet and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."

    Looking at most of the comments here, we can see the shallow end of an already limited gene pool from PB's readers.

    PB used Nazi death camps as a tool for his humor. You are posting comments defending that and trying to make a point. The point you're unintentionally making is that you believe no excess is too great in the cause of political attacks.

    I even gave you an out, showing you people who have dedicated their time and effort to help others, but you doggedly soldiered on to defend PB.

    You even signed your names! Unreal.

    It's hard to imagine a larger act of self-immolation.

  6. Anonymous12:36 AM

    Why can't you make a response that doesn't amount to "Me good, people who don't look at my good posts bad!"? Now I read some of your WOG posts, and they're great. But don't you see the irony that you do something like WOG, and yet liked an actual hate filled clod like Michelle Malkin up until she did something truly sadistic? Why couldn't you see through her lies, deception and hate until then?

    What's the difference between her and PB, you ask? People actually take her seriously, as evidenced by the death threats to those students. She is actually dangerous, because she repackages and repeats the ideas of the truly moonbat neo-nazi right-wing faction in an easier-to-digest, mainstream variety , thus legitimizing the same kind of eliminationism that you obviously despise, vis a vis your stand against the genocide in Darfur.

    So great job with WOG and finally seeing Malkin for what she is, but those actions just don't seem to square with the fact that you used to enjoy her site.

  7. You make my point for me. You've been reading PB and his ilk for so long that you feel comfortable describing your fellow Americans as neo-Nazis.

    There is no neo-Nazi movement of any size at all in the US. You're not even applying Nazi correctly. Go back and read the economic prinicples of the Nazis and tell me who they match most closely.

    Madame Ego is a link-aggregator for various conservative causes who works very hard at her blog. She's just goes over the edge sometimes and this time it was too far for me. She's not a Nazi. Get over it.

    You need to stop reading blogs and get out and rub shoulders with some right-wing Christians for a while to calm down. Through the WOGs, I'm trying to suggest some. Get to know your fellow Americans. They're not Nazis. They're just not you.

  8. Afterthought from the last comment.

    There really are Nazis out there. One of them is the head of a nation who is about to get nuclear weapons. Like Hitler did in Mein Kampf, he has told you exactly what he plans to do once he gets them. He plans to incinerate Israel and bully the rest of the world.

    If you knew anything at all about Nazism, you wouldn't be wasting your time giving Michelle Malkin the middle finger and yourselves high-fives when some intellectual midget like PB runs with death camp themes against American bloggers, but can't manage to spell Darfur if you spotted him the first five letters and handed him a dictionary.

    Hitler was sufficiently lethal without long range delivery systems and nuclear warheads. Iran will have both. This guy is even more intransigent than Hitler, too. He's not going to be temporarily bought off with the Sudetenland or Czechloslovakia. HE WILL INCINERATE ISRAEL. He has told you that repeatedly. Guess what Israel will do in response?

    You are not serious people. You haven't been serious for a long time. You are not interested in the real Nazis, you just use the phrase to amuse each other while the gathering storm approaches.

    The enemy artillery barrage is moving closer and all you can think about is that the guy in the foxhole next to you has bad breath.

  9. Anonymous6:14 PM

    You're right. I do feel comfortable describing Americans who hate brown people and want to see them marginalized and killed as neo-nazis. You seem to think they don't exist, but they do and can cause real harm here in America. The biggest problem I have with Miss Ego is that she transmits their hateful ideas and rhetoric to the mainstream. Don't think so? On her blogroll is VDare, a site that publishes content written by white supremacists, and is designated a hate group by the SPLC. Malkin herself has posted there. She legitimizes them because she's a "mainstream" pundit.

    Should we ignore these people because they haven't terrorized enough people to be on your radar? At what point do they become worthy of our efforts to oppose?

    Darfur and Iran are both matters of state, and they are getting attention. A couple of days ago, 5 members of Congress were arrested on the steps of the Sudanese embassy in a protest to call attention to Darfur. All of them were Democrats. People are working on these causes. Do we all need to focus on the big things? I think there's more than enough energy going around to oppose someone like Malkin.

    Now, she's not a Nazi or a KKK member. PB's characterization of her may be crude, but sometimes imagery like that is necessary to get a point across.

  10. e,

    OK, I went and found the VDARE link on Madame Ego's blog. It took a while. It's one link in a sea of links. I then went and read the blog.


    It's almost completely unreadable, it's so filled with links and breathless chattering. I learned that one of the authors has a Mexican wife. He may or may not live in Mexico. I lost interest pretty quickly. He talked about his Mexican in-laws in a positive sense and seemed to value their opinions about the upcoming Mexican elections.

    You're going to have to work pretty hard to turn that into racism. With some effort, I'm sure you can.

    Do you have any idea at all what the Nazis were about? How many had Jewish wives and respected their Jewish in-laws?

    Can you imagine bloggers like VDARE being a real threat to take over the country? What is your parallel to the Weimar Republic?

    Oh, forget it. The worst possible outcome of this is that you would actually answer.

    I swear, I'm developing a mental image of you standing on a stool, holding your pants up as high as they can go, shrieking because there's a mouse on the floor.

    I'll say it again. Turn off the computer and go out and associate with some right wing Christians for a while and calm down.

  11. Anonymous9:28 PM

    A threat to taking over the country? Hardly. A threat to equality and fairness? Likely.

    I guess you see it as alarmist that I want to be damn sure that no group with any kind of white supremacist element has any say in politics, policy, or the nation's view of right and wrong.

    Yes, I have a great idea of what the Nazis were about. They were about the rise of the master race and world domination. Really, now, how many had Jewish wives and respected their Jewish families all the while helping (directly or indirectly) to exterminate an entire race? Sorry, but those two things just don't go together. Or are you one of those revisionist cretins who think the Holocaust didn't really happen? May I remind you that there were many Christians killed in the Holocaust as well.

    Fearful? No. I'm not scared of brown people, terrorists, or minorities. White supremacists groups don't frighten me either. A life lived in fear is a life half lived. But you don't ignore things that have potentially harmful effects just because they don't scare you.

    Typical that the worst thing I could do is answer. Heaven forbid a view other than yours in your own space.

    Associate with right wing Christians ? I've done my share. Most of them are good and honest people, but judgemental, close minded, out of touch, and fearful all the same. You're no better. You had the opportunity to be welcoming to people who share different opinions from you, and maybe even get a few of them to see your point. Instead, I see nothing apart from ridicule, guilt trips, fear mongering, ad-hominem attacks and an oh-so-common holier than thou demeanor. Why should I think for a moment you have anything to offer me? I'm fairly sure that you and I might agree on a number of points, but due your inability to do anything besides demean and guilt me into submission, we'll never get to discuss any of it.

  12. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Aside: I never mentioned German Nazis until you did. Previous to that, I mentioned neo-nazis, a completely different group. Neo-nazis, white supremacists, and other racists do things like this and this.
