Thursday, April 23, 2009

Scipio on Obama in Latin America

Blogging amigo Scipio has penned a wonderful post about Obama's trip to Latin America. Having lived there for 14 years himself, he has some fun anecdotes like this one.
I endured many a rant from anti-Americans during my years spent wandering about in Latin America. Almost all were civil and some were in good fun. One sticks out concerning the obliviousness of the speaker. She was an educated, middle class Costa Rican and a true to life Latin American idiot. She railed against the usual suspects: US imperialism, America not signing the Kyoto Treaty, George Bush, the Republicans, American culture, capitalism and so on. You know the spiel. It is the same nonsense spouted by Ortega and Chavez last week. Anyway, while mouthing off she was wearing Levis and Nikes, speaking in perfect American English, her dentists and doctors were US trained, she owned a US-built car, she had a US bank account, she worked at an American school overseas, she was paid partly in US dollars, she had a US visa, she spent her vacations in the US and she sent her two children there for college.
Read the whole thing.

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