Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Evil Glenn Celebrating June 6

The Alliance has asked a question. It would be rude not to answer it. On June 6 this year, the date will be 6-6-6. The Alliance has asked for thoughts about how Glenn Reynolds will celebrate this event. An alert reader, Marci, suggested that he will buy a spa from www.sunsetlifestyles.com and enjoy his day.

How true, Marci. Sad, but true.

That spa will be modified, Marci. The directions say it should be hooked to 110, but will that stop Evil Glenn? Of course not. He will hook it up to 220. The heating coils will be modified, too, as will the base of the tub so that will be able to withstand higher temperatures. The lid will be modified so it can be latched down to prevent unwanted things from getting in. Or wanted things from getting out.

Glenn will be celebrating the day by making a gigantic puppy crock pot.

Imagine his neighbors’ conversations on the night of 6-6-6.

“Honey, have you seen Rover?”

“He’s over at the Reynolds’ house, dear. Glenn invited him to go hot tubbing.”

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