Friday, April 07, 2006

Why I Admire Frank J

Right now I want to blog, but I don't feel like being funny. I also don't have the time or energy to get good sunset or pet photos. Since I have placed no limits on my blog, I can sit down and write about anything.

Over at IMAO, Frank J dedicated himself to writing humor. Once in a great while he does a serious piece, but in the main, he posts some pretty complicated and elaborate humor articles. His In My World posts are fabulous.

Life being our reactions to random external events, Frank's had to have gone through doldrums where stresses and pressures have suppressed his imagination for his comedy writing, but he has managed to post with fairly consistent quality. Over at the excellent blog Scrappleface, the humor is fairly formulaic. Each post can be condensed into a single joke, typically pointing out the irony of some statement or event through the use of exaggerated dialog or fictional incidents. Frank's work, however, has always been more complicated, requiring more effort.

My own current ennui gives me considerable respect for what Frank has managed to do over the past several years.

Thanks, Frank.

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