Sunday, April 09, 2006

Celebrating Iraqi Liberation Day

Michelle Malkin has a great round up of bloggers who are hosting guest-posters who are gold star parents.

Last night I spent some time surfing the Iraqi blogs. A few of them are getting discouraged because of the violence. I had a chance to visit Russia 7 years ago and I'm sensing the same thing out of the discouraged Iraqi blogs that I sensed in Russia. Freedom is a bitch.

In absence of a dominant, all-powerful government, the citizens of a country have to look in the mirror when things go wrong. The Russians back then and some Iraqis today don't seem to be prepared for it. Not that we could expect them to be. Nothing but experience will change that. The Iraqi blogs who are getting depressed have a common theme: How come the Americans aren't doing more?

It's your country, not ours. If you don't like it, do something about it. We came to liberate your country from a dictator and remove a government that supported violence against us and our allies. We can get you started, but what you do after that is up to you.

Contrast their entries with those linked at Michelle Malkin's site. Each of the guest posters has lost a family member. None of them despair. After 230 years, Americans have a pretty good handle on the cost of freedom.

While some Americans have gotten too soft to accept the responsiblities of freedom, there's still a majority of us who know that for the most part, we determine our own fates.

Having said all that, let me share with you some Iraqi bloggers who get it.

Iraq the Model


Healing Iraq

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